ZippyLingo: The New Kids on the Blog Here to Help You Grow Your Business

We’ve officially joined the blogosphere! But we’d like to introduce ourselves before we get to the meat of our amazing content series: we’re ZippyLingo, a small, friendly agency fiercely focused on helping you go global. We’re a collection of professional, expert content creators, proofreaders, and translators, offering international business translation and copywriting services.

Welcome to ZippyLingo

Who are ZippyLingo? What do we do? What can you expect from us over the coming weeks and months? Oh, and what makes ZipplyLingo so ‘zippy’? In fact, what do ‘zippy’ and ‘lingo’ even mean?

These are all very valid questions, and aside from offering a warm welcome to you all, that’s what this post is all about — telling you who we are, what we do, and what incredible content we’ll bring to you in the future.

Who are we?

Based in the UK but with an operational team spread across Europe, ZippyLingo was born from a single desire: to challenge the status quo of client-supplier relationships within the content production industry. We’re here to add a personal touch to our communication and customer service, providing low-cost solutions to our clients and a fair living wage to our language experts and content creators. We work with over 100 linguists worldwide and operate across all time zones. We can speak, write, and translate almost any language you can think of.

We seek to alleviate your workload by taking on your problems, so you have more time to focus on what matters. We consider ourselves a family, and we consider you part of that family too. We’re friendly, love a good conversation, and are extremely passionate about what we do and how we do it.

It’s all in the name. So, what does ours actually mean? Well, the term ‘zippy’ is an English colloquialism with two distinct meanings; ‘fast’ or ‘speedy’ is the obvious one, but it also means ‘bright’, ‘fresh’, or ‘lively’, which sums us up perfectly.

For the wordsmiths amongst you, you’ll know that ‘lingo’ is an informal term that refers to a language or local dialect. The term also covers the vocabulary or jargon of a particular subject or group of people. Basically, ‘lingo’ is all about language and communication, and so are we.

In a nutshell, we’re ZippyLingo — we’re fast, we’re lively, we’re fresh, and we’re passionate about communication. What else could you ask for?

What do we do?

We create, we translate, and we give it our all. There’s no end to the communication services we provide, from copywriting, proofreading, and subtitling, to translation, transcreation, and localisation. We do it all. But we don’t just complete a project and call it a day — we go the extra mile for our clients whenever we can.

We make it possible for you to communicate effectively with your audience through any medium. We’re professional content creators with years of experience in making your business shine.

We take your projects and work our magic, no matter the brief, all whilst making you feel like part of the family.

Why do we do it?

Because we care! We could leave it at that, but as we work with professional copywriters, we know this section should probably be a smidge longer than three words, so we’ll elaborate.

We’re passionate about producing the highest-quality work for all our clients. We create relaxed, inclusive environments for our staff to work in, and for you to be a part of.

We love language, and we love to help, so helping you with your language and communication projects is an excellent way to fulfil everyone’s needs.

How do we do it?

It’s quite simple, actually, but we use a little more flair and pizazz than you might be used to.

We’re not another boring, corporate entity; we take the time to get to know our customers, to talk to them, and to make sure we know exactly what they need, when they need it, and how they need it.

We have an incredibly simple process that hinges on excellent communication to produce the best content in town. You send us a brief, let us know of any special requests or other relevant details, and we work some spectacular magic and deliver it back to you on time.

See? Simple.

What does ZippyLingo stand for, and how do we achieve it?

Our mission, vision, and values lay out the more corporate side of who we are and what we strive to do. They’re the backbone of our business; they govern how we shape and deliver our services, and show how we plan to reach our goals.

Mission of today

Our mission is to facilitate the construction of global communication bridges. We bring people together and grow businesses by fostering relationships across international markets. We enable our customers to explore new frontiers by communicating with any audience they want to reach.

Our mission is simple: to help you grow your business, communicate with your audience, and cultivate and encourage global relationships.

We are communicators at heart. It’s both who we are, and what we do. Our mission reflects how we use communication across all platforms and mediums to further relationships and international success for our clients.

We help our customers communicate with any audience, on any platform, across any medium, and in any language. Our mission is to help you reach new frontiers, whilst we maintain our values and succeed with you. Through this, we can accomplish our vision.

Vision for tomorrow

We exist to break down communication barriers and create a place where people can converse with each other, unrestricted by choice of medium or language. We aim to help people build relationships and freely communicate their messages, ideas, hopes, and dreams.

The ZippyLingo vision is all about never giving up on trying to achieve perfection.

We strive for perfection in our work, but also in the future of inclusive communication. We want to be the first choice, perfectly placed to offer, enhance, and promote an inclusive and conversational environment, no matter who or where you are.

Our vision of tomorrow outlines precisely how we plan to do this and what we see our purpose as. We want to build relationships with you, helping to break down the communication barriers of culture, language, and exclusivity. We aim to help you communicate seamlessly and fluently, in an all-inclusive medium that involves and respects everyone.

We will work alongside you to ensure your messages, ideas, hopes, and dreams are seen and understood by all. We want to perfect and shape your message, as well as our own, into a unified yet individual voice across all platforms, mediums, and languages — a voice that allows for free-flowing conversation through targeted communication.

We want to bring people together and create a place where everyone can freely communicate their ideas and converse with each other. We want to incorporate our values of honesty, flexibility, and passion for people and quality to create a brighter future for you, our team, and communication as a whole.

We have core values that underpin everything we do

Our values are the cornerstone of who we are as a company. They reflect how we operate in order to achieve our mission of today, and how we plan to make our vision of tomorrow a reality.

Just like how a person has core morals, a company has core values. These are our promises to you.

  • Accountability: Every one of us is accountable for our words, actions, and results.

  • Customers: We solve our customers’ problems, make their lives easier, and enable them to focus on what matters the most.

  • Flexibility: Nothing is set in stone — we adapt, change, and create bespoke solutions tailored to specific needs.

  • Honesty: We are open, transparent, and act with complete honesty and integrity in everything we do.

  • Passion: We love what we do and inject enthusiasm and energy into our work and interactions.

  • People: We drive our services with exceptional solutions-orientated people.

  • Quality: We’re trusted to deliver nothing but the best, every time.

  • Respect: We value our team and customers equally, and treat people with dignity and professionalism.

  • Service: We ‘wow’ our customers every day, delighting through the quality of our service and solutions.

  • Urgency: We operate with speed to achieve more — fast is never fast enough.

These values allow us to offer products and customer service of the highest quality whilst ensuring accuracy, value, and timeliness, so you get the complete package.

What can you expect from the ZippyLingo blog?

Now that the initial introductions and formalities are out of the way, let’s get to what we came here to talk about — the content. Our writing whizzes will be working hard to get a whole host of engaging, informative articles direct to you through our shiny new blog.

We’ll bring you content that spans many topics, including copywriting, translation, linguistics, fun and interesting facts about language, and we’ll even sprinkle in some how-to guides for good measure. Everything will be centred around providing value to you, and we’ll be focusing on topics related to our industry and the needs of our customers.

Of course, we’ll also throw in the odd entertainment post for some light-hearted reading. You know what they say about ‘all work and no play’!

Tips, guides, and helpful content to boost your business

We’re nothing if not devoted to helping. That’s why we have a whole series of blog posts designed to help you and your business shine by providing valuable information.

These posts will take on many different forms and be about many different subjects, but they will all have the purpose of giving you information that can help you and your business succeed.

We aim to provide actionable tips you can execute to help your business — however big or small — thrive. It could be anything from how-to guides on improving website content for small businesses, to tips on doing business in Thailand, to telling you the finer details of language, translation, and content creation. We guarantee there’ll be something for everyone.

If there’s anything you want to discover about these topics, keep your eyes peeled, and just let us know if there are any specific topics you’d like to see. We provide the information, and you get to show off your new smarts.

Fun and facts to entertain and intrigue

You might have guessed, but we don’t like taking ourselves too seriously here at ZippyLingo HQ; we love a bit of fun, and we’re sure you do too, so there’ll also be posts designed to fascinate and entertain.

Language, translation, and structured content doesn’t always have to be so serious. Did you know there are a whole host of interesting facts about language? For example, did you know that Khmer (Cambodian) is made up of 74 letters (including some not in current use), making it the language with the longest alphabet? If you didn’t, you do now!

Our entertainment posts still give you information that can help you and your business succeed in relevant markets, but they’ll also put a smile on your face.

Want to work with ZippyLingo?

Everyone needs something to look forward to, and we hope that we can facilitate not only growing relationships, but also a little bit of joy. You know who we are, you know what we stand for, and you know what our plan for the future is.

All jokes aside, if you’re in the market for a translator or copywriter, there are some serious benefits to working with us.

We are professional linguists and communication experts dedicated to opening up new lines of communication for our clients across international markets. We are fast, efficient, and work alongside you every step of the way to create bespoke communication and content solutions.

Working with ZippyLingo means you benefit from our core strengths of passion, flexibility, quality, and speed, so you can reach your vision and get your business to where it needs to be.

We work hard to fully understand what you need. We can adapt at the drop of a hat whilst still delivering on time, and to an exceptional quality. We never miss a deadline, and keep in touch to give you frequent progress updates. We were born from a passion for communication, and it shows in everything we do.

Want to create something amazing together? Say hello to ZippyLingo so we can help you elevate your business to new heights!


Your Extensive Guide on How to Choose a Language Service Provider