Old dogs, new tricks.

It all started on a drizzly Tuesday. The day had unfolded like any other, with over-crowded streets and grey, oppressive skies. Man and machine alike were going about their day with the same old purpose, and the hustle and bustle seemed to be producing exactly what it was supposed to. But as the sun was finally setting on this most drizzliest of Tuesdays, something bright, fresh and compelling was coming to life. In a small and cosy London office, an inspired team of peerlessly experienced entrepreneurs bashed their heads together, and then… they all got headaches. But then, from the ashes of a tired industry, like magic, an exciting new dawn in the world of translation had emerged: ZippyLingo!

On paper, officially, this happened in 2019, but the full story of ZippyLingo dates back long before then. The core team of ZippyLingo collectively has decades of experience in the industry; our founders have handled translations for high-profile corporate clients for many years. From the firm roots of the corporate tree, they have now branched out, plying their knowledge and experience to create something new.

The real stars of the show are the people we work with: our translators. Highly skilled to the letter, utterly committed to their craft, they too have a wealth of experience to bring to the table. They've been translating for years, and they continue to study the particulars of localisation, globalisation and all kinds of other 'isations to ensure that they stay at the top of their game. Not to mention, they are also very lovely people. It's important for you to know that, but it's especially important to us.

See, we're not just another faceless company. At ZippyLingo's core is the warm flame of personality. The offering of a friendly hand to guide you every step of the way. We're not after a quick fling - our aim is to build a lasting business relationship with you. We're a family, and whether you're a huge corporation or an individual user, you'll be welcomed in with open arms.

We pride ourselves on our friendly service, but we're also committed to providing something equally important: speed. At ZippyLingo, we work fast. Really fast. Once we receive your translation request via our unique client page process (like we said, new tricks), it's all systems go. Your translation will be signed, sealed and delivered back to you before you can say 'ZippyLingo'. Of course, our speed never comes at the cost of quality. No amount of Countdown Clock-like pressure can keep us from producing the best quality translations in the business.

Which brings us to another small matter: cost. Sure, we're the friendliest, fastest, and most fabulous, but are we the cheapest? Well, we're pretty confident that we are. We strive to keep our prices as low as possible, but if you happen to find a cheaper quote, feel free to challenge us to beat it - we gracefully accept. ZippyLingo is designed to ensure that no-one is left out of pocket, including our translators. We've heard on the grapevine that some agencies pay their translators very little. Not us. We make sure that our language-ninjas are handsomely rewarded for the stellar work that they do.

So that's us. An assembly of weathered veterans who operate with the unbridled vigour of youth committed to being the best we can be. We look forward to welcoming you into the ZippyLingo family.

One last thing... Despite what the title of this page suggests, we're actually not that old!