Why Is Translation Important? 7 Reasons Translation Is Vital for Communicating on a Global Stage

It’s easy to pass by important things as if they were invisible; you might recognise that a wall is in front of you, but not acknowledge the labour that went into each individual brick. To an extent, a lot of these vital pillars of everyday function are actually designed to be ignored, but that doesn’t mean they deserve any less credit. You may be surprised to hear that translation is one such cornerstone — crucial, yet frequently overlooked.

Why is translation important? Well, without the tireless work of translators across the globe, much of the potential that we have for communication and collaboration would be locked behind significant — if not understandable — barriers.

Far from thinking everyone should speak the same language, translators understand that linguistic diversity is a beautiful thing. Their job isn’t to brush that fact under the carpet; instead, they make the meaning behind those wonderful words clear to a far, far larger audience. Translation bridges the gap between different regions, cultures, and ethnicities, allowing us to work together on the things that matter and see things from another point of view — all in a language we can connect with on our own personal terms.

Sounds a bit flowery, doesn’t it? Well, maybe, but if you’re thinking it’s all a bit much — that ‘it’s just translation, after all’ — then doesn’t that show exactly what we mean? Translation is often forgotten about in daily life because it’s seamless, but you would certainly notice if it was gone! From the fun of discovering a new Polish snack to the importance of making public services accessible to all, the engrossing world of your favourite Korean drama to the tool without which international business would be nigh-on impossible; translation is everywhere, and we all enjoy its benefits.

But now you might be ready to leave. Why is translation important? Well, we’ve just told you everything you need to know, right? Not quite! There are even more specific, useful, intriguing details about translation, and we’re certain you’ll want to hear about them, especially if you’re still on the fence. Thankfully, we’ve rounded up a list of the 7 most important reasons why translation isn’t just important, but mandatory, when communicating across the globe.

Why is translation important?

Whether you’re an individual looking to understand a different way of life, a business trying to connect with customers on another continent, or just a confused tourist trying to decipher a menu, translation is the art you’d be lost without.

For modern enterprises, taking the time to make sure their message is translated thoughtfully and accurately can sometimes slip down the to-do list. “Why is translation important anyway? Surely if people want to look up what we mean in a different language, they can do that in their own time”, they might say. Or it could just be that other tasks are more obviously and immediately important, and time and resources are scarce.

Truly effective communication is about speaking to your audience in words that they connect with properly, not just throwing language to the wind and hoping your message doesn’t end up twisted and misunderstood.

There are a whole host of reasons why translation still stands not just as a crucial tool for businesses, but as a vital human skill leading to stronger bonds and better understanding between people. Here are some of them!

1. Builds more meaningful connections

If you operate in a market where English continues to be the lingua franca of business, it can be tempting to leave your material as is, trusting that your customers and readers will be able to grasp your message even if it isn’t in their native tongue.

So why is translation important if people probably speak English anyway? The fact is that audiences always respond better to content that’s delivered in their native language. Regardless of how many dialects a reader might have under their belt, the one that’s likely to strike the strongest chord is the one they grew up with, the one they speak to their family in, the one they’ve spoken throughout their life.

Taking the time to speak to that reader in the language they know best shows respect. It shows that you see your reader as more than just potential revenue — that you’re willing to go the extra mile to speak to them in words that are their own.

2. Unlocks new audiences and markets

Sure, there may be 1.5 billion (yes, billion!) English speakers around the world (native or otherwise), but that leaves a whole 5.5 billion who you’ll need translation to connect with. Why is translation important? Because without it, those 5.5 billion potential customers would be completely unavailable to your business. Don’t let monolingualism pin you down!

Translation opens the door to emerging markets, or to audiences you’ve never even dreamt of reaching. The world is changing fast, and an increasingly connected global marketplace means customers from anywhere and everywhere are able to access goods, services, and products from overseas. But, to speak to them, you need to speak their language.

When people doubt the importance of translation, they often doubt its potential to free enterprises from their regional limits. Don’t let national borders define and confine your customer base!

3. Builds, promotes, and preserves your brand across different regions

If you’ve worked hard to craft a certain brand image, or hone a voice that captures your company’s vision and establishes its character, you’ll want to make sure this brand or voice is preserved when taken overseas.

Translation can ensure that any nuanced marketing strategy is retained and, where necessary, re-shaped for new audiences — wherever they might be.

Truly skillful translation understands how to connect with customers based on their own cultural references, keeping your services relevant and desirable, and promoting your business in a way that ensures its character stays true to how you conceived it.

4. Broadens your company’s perspective

Translation doesn’t just help your message land in a different region; the act of translation is itself an attempt to put yourself, and your company, in the shoes of another reader and another culture.

By translating material, you’re actually helping broaden your perspective — you start thinking about how your products or content might be viewed through different eyes. Translation allows us to imagine how things might look from alternative angles, helping to keep our creative juices flowing and our lateral thinking, well, lateral!

5. Reduces costs over time

When you came to a blog post asking ‘why is translation important?’, you probably didn’t think this would be one of the answers! Surprisingly, it’s actually an often-overlooked benefit of translating material properly and thoughtfully.

A bit of worthwhile investment in translation can help guard against time wasted through repeated misunderstandings and botched instructions further down the line.

It’s not only marketing strategies that rely on good translation to perform properly on the international stage; technical manuals for customers can contain more questions than answers if you assume your readers will just ‘get it’ without proper translation. Users may find software confusing and unintuitive if it doesn’t come prepared with different language interfaces.

Make no mistake, confusion usually arises when no one has put the effort in to ensure translations are fit for purpose. As soon as your customer notices things aren’t in their own language, you’ve usually already lost them. Translation can help ensure everyone’s reading from the same sheet.

6. Preserves vital details in your source material

Making sure your readers understand what you’re saying can sometimes mean more than just a rough transfer of meaning. There are times when it’s crucial to ensure that certain details are preserved, or to avoid specific meanings being altered or mangled in any way.

Legal documents, medical instructions, financial reports, academic papers, technical manuals — these are just some examples where precision could prove crucial, both for you and your audience. Misunderstandings can range from slightly frustrating to downright dangerous, depending on the context. Good translation helps make sure that the detailed stuff we need to know is communicated to us, in a way that leaves no room for misinterpretation.

7. Enables the global exchange of ideas and information

Why is translation important on a wider scale? Well, at its most fundamental level, it’s the skill that has allowed humans to communicate with one another meaningfully, regardless of where we come from or how we speak.

It has, throughout history, been the key function in allowing us to exchange ideas, share cultural beliefs, and attempt to help one another see the world through different eyes. Technology can help us get words from one side of the world to the other in the blink of an eye! But without translation, those words will remain meaningless to the person receiving them.

How can you ensure your content is translated professionally and thoughtfully?

So, how and why is translation important in our everyday lives? In summary, it helps us connect with audiences around the world, preserves vital information, broadens our horizons, and keeps customers happy and engaged. Not only that, it’s also played a vital part in helping humans communicate healthily as a species whilst living our infinitely varied lives.

Need help translating your content in a thoughtful and accurate way by a team that understands translation is a human thing? Chat with us today to see how we can help translate, re-shape, and hone your message in a way that resonates with new readers — wherever they might be.


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