Why a Professional Copywriter is Essential for Business Success

Whether they’re bringing your brand identity to life or crafting the perfect words for your website or blog posts, having a professional copywriter on board can give your product, service, or marketing campaign the edge.

Why is copywriting important? Well, great copywriting can sell almost anything, but bad copywriting will hardly sell at all. It’s an established fact that users are more likely to trust businesses they understand. When users don’t understand what a company offers, they won’t buy from that business.

In today’s digital world, a company’s brand and messaging are often the first things potential customers see. The effectiveness of a company’s website, social media posts, and other digital content directly impacts its success. A professional copywriter can positively impact all three of these areas.

To create a positive impression on your audience, you need exceptional content that effectively communicates your brand message via your desired medium. If you own a business, or are working towards that goal, a copywriter can help you stand out from the crowd.

There are so many reasons why copywriting is essential for business success, and if you’re looking to take your business to the next level and beyond, a professional copywriter is the perfect choice for you. Let’s take a look at why good copywriting is important for business success, and why you need a copywriter for your company to thrive in today’s cutthroat market.

Your written content is more important than you think

Copy isn’t just pretty words used to fill a gap — it has a purpose. Content in any form always has a purpose, whether that’s to persuade, inform, or convert. But it’s not just about what you want the reader to do; it’s a whole lot more than that.

Basically, written content is essential in any business, and for that reason, you’re always going to want your content to be as professional and engaging as possible. The easier it is for your customers to read your copy, the more likely you are to hold their attention.

And it isn’t just digital businesses that need good content! Being clear, concise, and accurate when relaying your company’s message is essential in every industry, online or offline.

Why is copywriting important?

If we’re being a little blunt, you may think your content is great, but that doesn’t mean it actually is. We can all write an email, but we can’t all write the next best-selling novel!

Several factors go into making good quality content, and not everyone knows how to master or even identify them. There are a lot of fine details that go into creating masterful copy, and they all need to be handled professionally.

SEO makes your content visible

One of the major players in the digital marketing world, SEO is everything if you want to be found.

For those not already familiar with SEO, it stands for Search Engine Optimisation. SEO is all about making changes to your website content so it ranks higher in search engine results for specific keywords. The aim is to get more people to visit your website from organic search queries via search engines, such as Google.

SEO covers a range of things, such as optimising your website’s technical configuration, ensuring content is relevant to your audience’s search intent, and keeping embedded links relevant and authoritative. Your SEO efforts ensure your online content is deemed ‘relevant’ and ‘popular’ by search engines, so they rank better and you appear higher on an SERP (Search Engine Result Page).

Backlinko analysed four million Google Search results and found that the #1 result on Google had an average CTR (Click-Through Rate) of 27.6%, meaning an average of just over a quarter of people clicked on the first search result. Their research also found that only 0.63% of users clicked on a result from the second page of search results, stressing the importance of being on page one.

Among the many Google algorithms lies Panda. First introduced in February 2011, the Panda algorithm focuses primarily on the quality of your content. Used to discourage black-hat SEO tactics that led to content farms being heavily favoured, Panda rewards good content and punishes the bad.

Your content must be well-written, relevant, concise, offer value to the reader, be grammatically correct, and include links to authority sources where appropriate.

It’s not just about keywords; the quality of the content is critical.

User experience improves your engagement

Commonly referred to as UX, user experience is the key to a successful customer journey. UX refers to how easy, pleasing, and comfortable the experience on a website or app is. Everything from word choice and frequency to the readability of sentences can impact the user experience.

A poor user experience could explain abandoned carts, high bounce rates, low time spent on a page, and drop-offs. Keeping your customers engaged is vital.

Professional copywriting saves time

Quality content takes time, and it may be time you just don’t have. Writing content yourself — or having someone else at the company do it — is all well and good in theory, but rushed, low-quality content helps no one.

It’s not just the writing that takes time, it’s the research. Each and every piece of content is researched, whether that’s competitor copywriting, keywords, the art of mastering Google algorithms, or customer user data and profiles — there’s a lot to be done.

Professional copywriters hone their skills over many years, and keep up to date on current best practices and search engine algorithms to always deliver the best content.

Brand awareness grows your audience

Logos, website design, and colour palettes can all go towards improving brand awareness. What you probably didn’t know is that written content does, too.

Written copy sends a message to people. It tells your consumers, staff, and stakeholders what you want to say and who you are. How you say something, your tone of voice, and your style all tie into your brand.

Continuity of content that conveys the same brand values is a valuable commodity. Readers can recognise who you are and what you stand for just by how you say something. Crazy, right? Well, it’s true.

Brand confidence maintains your brand image

Not every piece of copy is digital, and it’s not just about addressing the customers. Consumers, staff, stakeholders, and contractors all share one thing in common: they need to have confidence in your brand.

Poor copywriting can put a spanner in the works of brand confidence. Who wants to see spelling mistakes, confusing sentences, or words that barely make sense?

Copywriting across all business mediums should be clear, concise, and fit for purpose, which is why a professional is always the best option.

Building trust and credibility

Establishing your company’s identity, clarifying your business model, and informing your customers about what you have to offer is essential.

When your customers don’t know who you are, what you do, or how you can help them, they won’t buy from you. They won’t put their money into something that they don’t understand. If a customer feels confused or unsure about your company, they’re less likely to trust you and more likely to move on to a company they can better understand. That’s why it’s essential to build trust and credibility with your audience through good copywriting.

6 reasons why you need a copywriter

Content isn’t just written for search engines; it’s written for people. Professional copywriters spend years mastering the art of balancing writing for SEO and customers. They provide top-quality content, and know how to speak to the person being addressed by your material. That’s what you need.

1. Professional copywriters know the market

Many copywriters specialise in certain areas — fashion, health and fitness, medical, technical, construction… the list goes on. A professional copywriter likely already knows about the industry they’re writing for, is aware of best practices in the industry, and knows how to write for specific, relevant customer profiles.

2. They’ve already done the research

As professional content creators, copywriters already know about best SEO practices (including how to naturally insert keywords) and the latest approaches for optimising the user experience. This saves you time by ensuring a professional creates engaging, SEO-optimised copy, without you having to do any research yourself.

3. They can work with you to make your brand shine

Your brand is everything. Your products, your image, your voice, and your values all make up your brand. When you’re asking yourself why you should hire a copywriter, the answer will always revolve around maintaining the image you have worked so hard to convey.

The professionals can take your tone of voice, brand identity, and any customer insights or profiles and incorporate them into the content, ensuring that your brand shines through each and every time.

4. They understand engagement

We’ve mentioned brand awareness, right? Oh, only a couple of times? Then we should repeat it, because brand awareness is a significant part of business, and engagement dramatically impacts it.

How engaging your content is directly affects how likely a person is to share that content. How likely they are to share the content directly affects the reach of your business, and your reach affects awareness.

This isn’t just for digital mediums. The model works precisely the same with word-of-mouth or other non-digital forms of content.

5. They’re language experts

Copywriters aren’t just masters at creating awesome content made for marketing — they’re masters of the language they’re writing in. Professional copywriters have years of experience and are often highly qualified.

This means that spelling mistakes, syntax errors, grammatical quandaries, and incorrect use of words or phrases are highly unlikely to happen. You won’t need to go in after and fix the issues, because the copywriters already know how to avoid them altogether.

6. They offer a solid return on investment

Because of the cost, you may be reluctant to ‘indulge’ in a professional copywriter. Like many things in business, it’s an investment. Professional copy on your website, app, or across any of your business mediums is proven to increase your brand awareness, reach, engagement, and, ultimately, conversions.

More conversions means more business, which means more money over time, meaning you’ll get a return on your investment. But even if it’s money you can’t avoid spending, there are always affordable options — and they may offer even more bang for your buck when compared to the expensive choice.

A professional copywriter will make a difference

Copywriting matters — more than you probably thought it did before you started reading this wonderfully put-together blog post (if we do say so ourselves). We’ve outlined the why and the how, but what about the who?

By now, you know you need a professional copywriter, but who you choose is important. High quality, dedication, and passion aren’t necessarily around every corner.

What to consider when hiring a professional copywriter

There are essentially three key things to consider when looking for the perfect copywriter for your business.

Firstly, their experience. How much experience does the copywriter or agency have with producing impeccable copy? We can’t speak for everyone, but we know that our copywriters, at least, have many years of experience in their field.

Secondly, their dedication to their craft. By this, we basically just mean how much do they care about the time they put into creating copy. Do they sail through it, producing as much copy as they can each day to maximise profits, or do they take the time and care to create the masterpiece you deserve?

And finally, their availability. Obviously, you’ve got copy that needs writing, and a deadline it needs to be written by. Can a professional copywriter get it done in time? What if you need something finished particularly quick? Do they have the capacity to meet those deadlines?

The truth about hiring a professional copywriter

The truth is, no matter who you choose to be your professional copywriter, it will bring serious benefits to your business.

As we’ve pointed out, copywriters are professionals who know how to improve your SEO. They know how important brand awareness and confidence are, and can produce content that maintains or improves your brand and what people think of it.

Engaging, knowledgeable, well-written content is worth its weight in gold, and a professional copywriter is an investment that every business needs.

So, if you’re considering hiring a copywriter and taking your business to the next level, consider ZippyLingo. We offer the best of everything: the best at dedicating ourselves to the content, ensuring accuracy and linguistic quality; the best at mastering language to ensure your message is conveyed clearly and concisely; but most importantly, the best value, providing affordable copywriting services with incredible quality and fast results.

Want to learn more about our copywriters and how they can help your business soar? Get in touch with ZippyLingo today.


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